Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Flying Squirrels

The other day my wife found what she thought, and I later attempted to confirm, was a deceased Sugar Glider. Since we live in a suburban area of Columbia, I thought this to be a strange incident. Could one of our neighbors have lost a pet? Such a frail creature would surely succomb to the forces of nature (~58 F overnight at this time of year) or one of our 3 (vicious killer) cats.

Further inspection of the corpse led us to discover that it was actually a female southern flying squirrel. I had no idea that flying squirrels were native to this area (of which I have lived for 31 years) since I had never seen one. My wife held a memorial service yesterday with our daughter and our niece. Now she (the squirrel) will always be remembered and hold a place in our hearts, as well as our garden.

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